“Convince me of Helsinki” – Day 1 – the basics
Last week I had visitors from home. It took me quite a while to convince them to travel all the way up North - I think it's actually their premiere in a Nordic country. Convincing
Taste of Helsinki: a celebration of food
I lohove food, good food is the best and most promising way to put a perpetual smile on my face, works also well with bribery or apologies. I guess I’m pretty easy when it co
Unique Nature in Helsinki: Lammassaari & Kuusiluoto
A short 20 minute busride from the centre lies Lammassaari, an island that is quite densely populated by summer houses (Mökkis), a bird-watching tower and a little forest path aro
Summer plans: My top 5 beaches in Helsinki
I am not a big fan of sand, yet I love the sea, sadly those two only rarely go without another. Hietaniemi beach is without a doubt Helsinki's most popular and possibly most centra
Ghost Town of Kruunuvuori (outdated)
The area of Kruunuvuori is a foresty area on the Laajasalo peninsula, on the south-eastern shore of Helsinki. The wooden villas that had already been built there all the way from t