While yes: my main obsessions during these weeks of quarantine so far also has been “Tiger King” on Netflix (I know, revolutionary), which is seriously just so crazy on so many different, shocking levels. I am very much hooked on all the corresponding memes as well and it doesn’t feel like a healthy pastime. But here we are. So I put together a list of more rewarding things to spend your time with:
Entertainment & Art

I have thoroughly enjoyed “Unorthodox”, also on Netflix, which is the very moving story of a young woman and her break with the ultra-orthodox community she grew up in. I also started to listen to the audiobook on which the mini-series is based on.
My favourite artist from Luxembourg, Daniel Balthasar, did a home concert with Crazy Quarantine sessions, you can watch it on YouTube here. It comes along with an introduction to the Luxembourgish language – if you’ve ever been curious. Watch it here.
My mission was to visit at least one museum per month and make good use of my museum card – luckily Helsinki allows me to keep doing that virtually from home. The Finnish National Gallery offers thousands of pieces to explore online, combined works that you usually find in the Ateneum, Kiasma and Sinebrychoff museums.
Really fun is what the HAM Helsinki Art Museum’s sculpture bank is offering: all public works of art are found on a map, so you can already start planning which you want to visit when we’re back outside – until then you can explore them online
Disclaimer: I’m not much into games of any kind, I think my brain misses some synapses for comprehension in that department. Basic things I can do: answer questions, come up with words, basic math. So, I picked up Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble and Kniffel – which has already lead to quite a bit of dispute in this household – but also fun.
Fittingly titled “Absurd times”, Amos Rex museum has made the video art from their 2020 collection available online.
I’m so glad I managed to catch a the Carmen ballet at the Opera here in Helsinki before the Lock Down started – but if you weren’t so lucky – check out Stage 24: lots of performance and behind the scenes productions. I will definitely enjoy Pippi Longstocking there, and will rewatch The Snow Queen – my favourite ballet ever.
Viena K on Instagram – local lifestyle blogger and musician Viena charms her followers with Instagram live piano and cello concerts from her living room. An absolute delight, and not to miss. Follow her to make sure you don’t miss the next ones.
Helsinkians are lucky to have such an extensive network of ebooks and magazines, as well as free music and video content available through the Helmet e-Library of the local libraries. I can spend hours in there.
Check out Koronakonsertit.fi for live-streamed concerts – an initiative by volunteers – a huge list of live concerts – both free and for purchase, by local and international artists. So cool!
To do at home
I’ve felt so motivated to be creative at home and make the apartment extra nice – as we’re all gonna spend a lot of time here in the next weeks, we might as well invest some TLC in curating our space. While the hardware stores still make deliveries, I recommend using that opportunity, and making the best of the mandatory time we all spend at home these days.

Planting, seeding, gardening – We’re lucky enough to have a terrace that catches some sunrays throughout the first half of the day, and I’m very committed to having a tiny little garden out there. In addition to – what hopefully will be – many pretty flowers, I have started to plant seeds for tomatoes, lots of salads, soon followed by cucumber, radishes and a whole little herb garden. You don’t need a terrace for this. Similar things have worked out wonderfully on the balcony in our previous flat, and things like herbs and leafy greens you can grow on any window sill.
Other than that: how are your houseplants doing? Are they happy? Maybe they need a new pot-home and some fresh soil? My plants have made me so happy when at home, and now that there has been more light it was nothing but pure joy seeing them all grow new leaves and sprouting little seedling babies.
Washing stuff you never do – sofa covers, curtains, rugs. Not the greatest of all fun activities but it’s pretty rewarding once it’s done.

Walls and wall art – you didn’t have time to paint before you moved in your current place and the white walls are seeming…very white? Or you always wanted to play around with some wall art, get beautiful prints and paintings? Now is your time. While I am not yet desperate enough to take on a painting project (it has crossed my mind, though) – I spent hours on playing around with the design for a gallery wall in the living room. Browse through places like Desenio for art inspiration and make it a project.
Organise & Clean – maybe it’s time to tackle the things you never do. Cleaning our and sorting through your spices. Deep-clean and go through everything in your fridge, bathroom drawers and that box that has all your cables and electrical bits, medical cabinet or just that one drawer we’re all scared to really look at.
Make, bake, cook

I’m not a food blogger, but here are some recipe and food inspirations that we’ve made around here in the last weeks or that I’m planning to make soon. (all vegetarian)
Banana-bread chocolate muffins
Hand-pulled noodles with sesame-garlic-chili oil
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