- Join relevant Facebook groups & Communities: When it comes to finding events and get-togethers, the social network has actually become a very valuable tool for me. If it’s groups that bring together people of the same profession (eg. marketing, finance, social media etc.), the same industry (tourism, education etc.) or the same status (self-employed, freelance etc.) – there is certainly something that fits you. For example: HYNY, PING Helsinki, Creative Mornings Helsinki, Marketing Meet-ups Helsinki
- Check out University organisations & Accelerator programs: even if you’re not a student anymore, this can be a very helpful thing to get into. Alumni meetings, Entrepreneur associations, training sessions or educational talks can be super inspiring and lead you to like-minded people. For example: Helsinki Think Company, Startup Sauna, Aalto Entrepreneurship Society, Microsoft Flux, The Shortcut , Hub13 etc.
- Investigate on state-funded entrepreneur programs and organisations: programs like the EUs social fund helps self-employed people and startups (both locals and immigrants, by the way) to find funding, explore options, learn about the culture and the language and basically help you boost your business in any ways they can think of. Not only will you be able to get hands-on advice from coaches and maybe find a mentor, but it offers excellent networking opportunities with people with the right mindset and companies. Check out, for example, TE-toimisto and NewCo which supports (foreign) entrepreneurs in Finland with all kinds of events, language courses, training and mentorship.
- Conferences, trade shows, governmental meetings, industry meetings: keep an open mind for any kind of meeting or congress around you. Don’t underestimate those! They are often free of charge for attendees and only requires you to register online. You should take every opportunity you can to attend those because you never know who you will meet and where it will get you. Even if the event at first glance might not be what you’re looking for, think outside your box. This is of course very industry-specific but in Helsinki, the must-do’s would be Slush Helsinki and the Nordic Business Forum; as well as PING Helsinki Business Festival and Arctic15.
- Co-working spaces: at least here in Helsinki they are sprout like mushrooms from the ground (high five for German literal translations). Co-working spaces that offer freelancers, startups with small teams and self-employed peeps like ourselves working space with strong wifi, good coffee and the opportunity to get away from coffee shops or your couch. Sometimes these often are free of charge (!), just do some research on coworking spaces and check them all out. Even paying a fee is often a great investment, given that at least I get so much more done compared to the times I work from my home office. These spots are a great platform to meet like-minded people and connect on a daily basis.
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